Thursday, February 14, 2008

080214-Documentary Night

Tired of Korean TV? All your friends on FaceBook too busy actually working? Wanna learn stuff you'll wish you hadn't? Come check out one of tonight's documentaries:

Our Daily Bread - Unser taeglich Brot (2005)
Manufactured Landscapes(2006)

Cast your vote at 2100, majority wins.

Start Time: 2100
Location: Sahara's House -- Call/Text me for specifics

Previous Nights
080207 - The Revolution Will Not BeTelevised (2003)
    Some questioned the neutrality of this documentery, it was largely pro Chavez yet produced in part by the Scottish Film Board. Everyone could agree it was nice to see people get angry, take peacefull mass action and change things.

    Further Discussion: I got kinda drunk that night and only remember the last three hours of dialogue revolving around photography and motorbikes...

080124 - A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash(2006)
    "Oil is the excrement of satin" or something to that extent. Aside from that opening line, a well done documentary which does a good job of explaining just how cheap and energy laden oil really is when you compare it to human exertion. (Put a cup of gas in your car and it'll take you, four friends and a bunch of luggage a few kilometers. Ask a rickshaw driver to pull you the same distance and for 20 cents and you'll probably be cursed at in a language you don't understand... maybe even spit-on.)

    Further Discussion: Oil industry in Canada, Living in Chemical Valley, Being a tradesman and making mad cash...

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Safari 3 Crashes - How to Revert to Old Safari 2.0


OPTION A - Spare me the sob story and just give me a solution:
OPTION B - I wanna read about your problems and see how you came to a solution


The Safari 3 Crash Fix - Revert to Safari 2:

1. Download Safari Application from:

2. Extract zip file

3. Back up current Safari Application (HD:Applications:Safari)

4. Quit Safari

5. Move downloaded Safari application to Applications folder and click "Replace"

6. Open Safari and enjoy relatively crash-free browsing! :D


The Problem
So I made the fatal mistake of upgrading to Safari 3.0 a few days back. At the time I had also just installed Speed Download. Every time I quit Safari it crashed. Every time I closed a window Safari crashed. Often when I opened new tabs Safari Crashed. The point I'm making is that Safari 3 crashes a lot.

Initially, I figured Speed Download was part of the problem. I uninstalled the program and was sad to learn if fixed nothing. Many other Safari 3 users have reported displeasing performance. It is the first Apple update/upgrade that has actually forced me to revert to an older version.

The Search for a Solution
I wasn't the only one searching for a Safari 3 fix. Many users wanted to revert to an older version but is wasn't as simple as one might think. Apparently Safari 3 came with an uninstall option packaged with the .dmg file, not anticipating any problems, I must have thrown it out in a desperate attempt to create space for music and movies. Nor could I download the package again from Apple servers. My only options are Safari downloads for XP and Vista or the security update package bundled with Safari 3 which I presume has no un-install option.

Many people have gone to sites such as to try and get older Safari versions but none of these worked for me as the installer detected a newer Safari on my drive and thus wouldn't let me reinstall. I was so eager to get Safari working again that I just trashed the application, in the hopes an older version would install once it was gone, and I didn't even think to make a backup of the application. Now I was really screwed.

The Fix
In the end I found a rapidshare link with just the Safari 2.0.4 application, no installer. I downloaded it, threw it into my applications folder and everything is running smooth again!


1. Download Safari Application from:

2. Extract zip file

3. Back up current Safari Application (HD:Applications:Safari)

4. Quit Safari

5. Move downloaded Safari application to Applications folder and click "Replace"

6. Open Safari and enjoy relatively crash-free browsing! :D