Wednesday, February 18, 2009

046|365 Harder Than Expected ~ TheBigPicture

Theme: TheBigPicture

It's done! Click HERE and SCROLL DOWN to see :D

*** Edit, one day later ***
I just noticed there are 365 views on my album in this picture... weeeeiiiirrrrrdddd!

046|365 It Does A 365-ER Good ~ 365

Theme: 365

When your grocery shopping, and life hands you a 365 moment -- you take it.

--- Strobist ---
1 Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/4 at about 2 o'clock shot into a white umbrella. Another Vivitar 285 HV @ full power with 2 gels directly behind me for the background.

--- Post Production ---
I really had trouble with this one. I thought it'd be easy to make my milk-stash flickr-pink but ever method I tried just looked fake and drawn on. Anyone who can offer me some advice on how to change the color naturally, please, please do! I also shot one on a white BG but I wanted to try and keep with flickr colors. Tried switching the 365 to flickr-blue and pink but they to looked fake once changed and that kind of defeated all the coolness of having stumbled upon real 365 milk!

--- Critiques Welcome ---
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045|365 Project Complete ~ TheBigPicture

Theme: TheBigPicture

It's done! Click HERE and SCROLL DOWN to see :D

--- Strobist ---
1 Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/4 at about 12 o'clock bounced off the roof with a DYI grid-spot. Another Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/4 with omni-bounce shot into an umbrella directly behind me for the back ground.

--- Critiques Welcome ---
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044|365 Sunny Saturday ~ TheBigPicture

Theme: TheBigPicture
It's done! Click HERE and SCROLL DOWN to see :D

It's the weekend. It's sunny. I'm going riding.

--- Strobist ---
1 giant star positioned at the center of our solar system, also known as the Sun, lighting me. 1 Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/4 directly behind me shot through an umbrella to create the white background.

--- Critiques Welcome ---
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043|365 Bad Habbits ~ BeWeird

043|365 Bad Habbits ~ BeWeird, originally uploaded by comatosed.

Theme: BeWeird

Cudos to John for this one. One drunk'n night he sent me an email saying:

"Idea: a shot of you biting your fingernails and spitting it out. A shot of you biting your toenail would be iconic."

I didn't actually wanna chew my toenails, but I'll do all sorts of stuff I don't wanna do for 365 :P

--- Strobist ---
1 Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/2 at 5 o'clock shot into a reflective umbrella. That's it :P

--- Critiques Welcome ---
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042|365 Leg-hair Stylist ~ BeWeird

Theme: BeWeird

--- Strobist ---
1 Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/2 at about 7 o'clock with DIY grid-spot focused on leg hair. Another Vivitar 285 HV @ full power at about 2 o'clock with yellow gel lighting my background.

Cudos to Brandon for the hair styling idea. About a month back we were just chill'n and I'm not sure what prompted it but he told me I should spike my leg hair. Well buddy, this ones for you ;)

--- Critiques Welcome ---
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041|365 Are you sure you want to switch to Windows XP? ~ Random

Theme: Random

I got my work computer today - I'm really not happy about it. It's not that I don't know how to use XP, I just realize how limiting it is after using OSX. I often use my Universal Access features like Zoom to zoom my entire screen, and switch my display to White on Black so students can see better. It seems many practical shortcuts such as CREATING A NEW FOLDER, an everyday function, DON'T EXIST! And of course, without expose I'm back to sifting through stacks of open items with incoherent abbreviated names along my Task Bar.

But it's not just the operating system thats killing me. The hardware is just as bad, possibly even worse. There is no battery life indicator, my audio inputs don't work at all, the ports are scattered all over the place and the trackpad wont let me scroll.

--- Flashlightist ---
I enlisted the help of buddies for the second time. Greg came down to visit from Iksan and after a dinner and some drinks with Scott it was already 11:30. So I had Greg, a very skilled photographer, hear out my concept and set up the frame. Greg had Scott, a very skilled flashlight holder ;) hold the flashlight on my Xnote. Greg then lit my MacBook and I had the tough job of fingering the camera and hitting my remote.

When I went to my computer early this morning, I saw Greg's proposed crop of this photo and liked the idea. I squared it up, did a little dodge and burn and added a texture, Paper Lomo, kindly provided by Logotip.

All in all, a nice collaborative effort.

--- Critiques Welcome ---
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040|365 Why Not? I Waited 24 Hours ~ Random

Theme: Random

--- Strobist ---
1 Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/4 at about 3 o'clock fired into a reflective umbrella. Everything about today was good with the exception of me realizing I must have left my Bogen super-clamp and Manfrotto ball-head attached to the railing in this shot. I tore my house apart looking, I think they're gone forever :( I managed to get this with my second super clamp but it sucked no being able to work with a ball-head.

--- Critiques Welcome ---
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039|365 Monday Face ~ TheBigPicture

Theme: TheBigPicture
It's done! Click HERE and SCROLL DOWN to see :D

Spent too long on this already, just not feeling it today.

--- Strobist ---
1 Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/2 at about 10 o'clock with shoot through umbrella to get the softest light possible.

--- Critiques Welcome ---
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038|365 Sunday Face ~ TheBigPicture

Theme: TheBigPicture
It's done! Click HERE and SCROLL DOWN to see :D

What am I doing, I gotta work at 5am tomorrow!!!

--- Strobist ---
1 Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/2 at about 4 o'clock, raw, to get the harshest light possible. Not too flattering for the skin but the detail is cool.

--- Critiques Welcome ---
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037|365 Lost ~ Random

037|365 Lost ~ Random, originally uploaded by comatosed.

Theme: Random

I feel lost these last two days. The feeling overcame me just as I left for Fukouka airport. The past 15 days have been full of adventure, quitting one job at the drop of a hat, starting another, moving, snowboarding in Muju with buddies, spraining my wrist, going to Japan for 3 days on a visa run... Now work begins and I find myself still hoping it will be worth everything I had to give up.

I gave up my community of friends, people I worked, motorcycled, traveled, ate and partied with. I gave up students which I taught for 17 months, children that felt so much like my own teaching them was no longer a job, it was just plain fun. I gave up my city, a place where I worked hard to find all those hard to find things I seem to always need when I undertake some new DIY project.

Everyone always says it's tough in the beginning. I should know this by now, I've have at last 15 situations similar to this. But with a breakup still on my mind and plenty of free time for reflection during this latest job transition, I find myself feeling as though I'm just bushwhacking my way through my twenties with no real purpose... well, other than paying back my student loans.

Had an out take today. While I liked the framing, the grit and the shoe, in the end I felt this photo better reflects the feelings I described above. I'm curious, which one would you have gone with?

--- Critiques Welcome ---
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036|365 Waiting ~ Japan-easy

036|365 Waiting ~ Japan-easy, originally uploaded by comatosed.

Theme: Japan-easy

Back to Korea.

--- Critiques Welcome ---
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035|365 The Station ~ Japan-easy

Theme: Japan-easy

Had a lot of fun with this shot. Used my Bogen Super Clamp yet again, I swear, the most useful piece of Camera Kit I've bought in a long time. Hooked it up to an I-Beam above my head. My camera looked like a surveillance camera and all the Japanese folk were giving me kinda funny looks.

Found the busiest spot I could find and played around with my 50mm and some slow exposures. I liked the look I got here. I think I stopped abruptly and people had to walk around me. Just with I was better in focus. Next time.

Took a lot of self portraits today, seems to be a good way to occupy time and save money in Japan. These were todays out takes: Have a Banana and Get Some.

--- Strobist ---
None for this one!

--- Critiques Welcome ---
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034|365 The Underpass ~ Japan-easy

Theme: Japan-easy
I left this photo till too late, I think I'm getting too used to studio/living room photography that I'm forgetting how to take photos in the real world... so much less control! Anyways, I'm in Japan getting my Korean working visa and loving it. I wanted to try and capture a bit of Japan in my picture but everyone I took till this point sucked. Meh, I guess that's how it goes sometimes.

--- Strobist ---
1 Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/2 at about 7 o'clock lighting me in the corner there.

--- Critiques Welcome ---
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Tuesday, February 03, 2009

033|365 Post Shower ~ TheBigPicture

Theme: TheBigPicture

--- Strobist ---
1 Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/4 at about 7 o'clock lighting from below me with a DIY grid-spot. Another Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/2 at about 12 o'clock, directly behind me acting as rim-light.

--- Critiques Welcome ---
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Sunday, February 01, 2009

031|365 Not Riding Because of a Cast Sucks ~ Casts Suck

Theme: Casts Suck

--- Strobist ---
1 Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/2 at about 4 o'clock with DIY grid-spot pointed at sling and BG underexposed by about 2 stops. Wasn't expecting to loose the shadow I was using for this shot but I just went with it.

--- Critiques Welcome ---
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