Theme: Coins
Ever wished it would rain money? Me neither, it'd hurt like hell and get you really dirty.
Thanks Scott for the help ;)
Out Take
--- Strobist ---
1 Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/2 at about 3 o'clock with DIY grid spot. Another Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/16 at about 5 o'clock with DIY grid spot.
--- Critiques Welcome ---
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Monday, January 11, 2010
138|365 Money Shower ~ Coins
137|365 A Ton of Change ~ Coins
-- Dear Getty Images, I could easily black out the brand here if you like the concept --
Theme: Coins
Maybe not quite a ton, but still a hefty 5.9kg of change. It took about an hour to sort and stack them as it is so I couldn't be bothered to include the 1's, 10's and 50's.
--- Lessons Learned ---
1. Credit/bank cards work great for moving and squaring coins up. I felt kinda like a coke addict might cutting and pushing coins around my shiny black scale :)
--- Strobist ---
1 Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/4 at about 12 o'clock bare and fired into a reflective white poster board angled at about 45 degrees. Another Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/16 at about 4 o'clock with DIY grid spot lighting the coins from the side.
--- Critiques Welcome ---
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136|365 Treasure ~ Coins
Theme: Coins
I'm holding 7.9 kilos of coins here, a collection I started in an old caramel popcorn bucket just over 2 years ago. They are Korean coins in 10, 50, 100 and 500 denominations. Move the decimal one place to the left and that's about how much they're worth in US/CDN dollars.
I can't fit anymore into my bucket so I'm thinking of exchanging them... after I play with them a little :)
--- Strobist ---
1 Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/2 at about 12 o'clock fully zoomed with DIY grid spot pointing down on the coins and reflecting into my face.
--- Critiques Welcome ---
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135|365 Cass Beer ~ Random
Theme: Random
My hand left, Warren's hand right.
Warren and I had a wicked weekend drinking beer, biking around Geoje, snapping pictures and infiltrating abandoned amusement parks. It's pretty cool to have met a buddy that is just as enthusiastic as I am to shoot.
--- Lessons Learned ---
1. Neither Warren or I should ever be hand-models.
--- Strobist ---
We were going for a beer-ish feeling and I'm pretty damn happy with what we got! 1 Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/4 at about 12 o'clock up high with DIY grid spot aimed at our hands. Another Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/2 at about 6 o'clock down low with brown gel and DIY grid spot lighting the BG.
--- Critiques Welcome ---
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134|365 Do You See a Problem With the Monitor? ~ Random
Theme: Random
I think there is a problem with this monitor. Am I being obsessive or can you see it to? It's easier for me to see on this larger version on white.
So I decided to go with the 26 Inch LG Flatron M2600D S-IPS Monitor. I visited the shop every day for week using every negotiation tactic I learned from "You Can Negotiate Anything" to get the price reduced by another $80 off the already reduced display model price. The original price was truly unreasonable for a now obsolete display model running 24/7 with no box or manual. Not only that, I'd found one brand new for less online.
And after all that work and anticipation I find myself forced to return is because I can see a problem that's not acceptable for a $500 piece of gear. Can you see it?
--- Lessons Learned ---
-Be weary of display models?
--- Critiques Welcome ---
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133|365 Reason NOT to Stand Around The Water Cooler ~ Random
Theme: Random
They're all nice, easy and convenient until YOU need to refill them.
--- Strobist ---
1 Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/2 at about 2 o'clock up high fired into a reflective umbrella.
--- Critiques Welcome ---
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132|365 Favourite Biscuit ~ Random
Theme: Random
Lotus Original Caramelized Biscuit - I'm addicted to these things.
--- Strobist ---
1 Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/4 at about 11 o'clock up high with DIY grid spot.
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131|365 S-IPS in in Control ~ Random
Theme: Random
I moved my home monitor to work because I am sick of staring at an 9 inch screen for 8 hours a day. Now I wish to replace my home monitor so for the last 24 hours I've been on a monitor researching frenzy. I've never had anything but a TN monitor in the past. Actually, I didn't even know what TN, S-IPS, S-PVA, etc. meant until 24 hours ago.
Based on what I've read, S-IPS / S-PVA panels are the way to go for anyone serious about graphics. I have definitely noticed how much the viewing angles effect my work in PS, I'm always shifting my head when adjusting curves etc. because the results don't look uniform. Speed doesn't matter much to me, as I spend most of my time with still images.
The catch is, S-PIS / S-PVA monitors are expensive. I wanna just splurge and get the one I saw the other day but I'm trying to hold back and think it through thoroughly. I've made it this long with a 19" No Name TN and got pretty good results... is it really worth the upgrade...?
--- Lessons Learned ---
1. Logic is inconsequential to some people... the illogical...
--- Strobist ---
1 Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/4 at about 8 o'clock on the floor with purple/pink gel and DIY grid spot lighting the wall. Another Vivitar 285 HV @ full power at about 3 o'clock lighting the centre of the subject.
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130|365 Recycling ~ Random
Theme: Random
There are heaps
and heaps of dried out blossoms
blanketing the grounds around...
129|365 Roof Top BBQ ~ Random
Theme: Random
Out Take
the guy in the bear suit (I have
no idea why, you can see the
128|365 Nepenthes Mirabilis ~ Random
Theme: Random
This was one of those things were as soon as I saw it, I knew I had to have it. This unique little dude-et eats bugs! Yes, the name is Nepenthes Mirabilis or as it is more commonly know: Swamp Pitcher.
She evolved to survive in the nutrient/nitorgin deficient soil of bogs by trapping small bugs, of which there were plenty, and then digesting them.
The bugs are attracted to her sticky nectar around the inside edge of each water filled vestibule. The sweet syrupy nectar also acts as an intoxicant. The bug starts to get a buzz on and gets a little more greedy for the good stuff in the hard to reach places. Unbeknownst to the drunkard, there is a super slick waxy coating on the lip on which it is so precariously perched, the slightest stumble and the bug plunges down into the watery cavern.
Now at this point, the bug my breath a small sigh of relief as it is still alive, it's fall broken by the water. However, as it struggles to free itself it acutely alerts the plant that a small snack is waiting. She then secrets digestive acids into the trap which kills the bug to ensure no escape and then aid in digesting it over time. Finally, the nutrients of the decaying carcass are absorbed.
Cool eh! I fed her a few fruit flies I found hopping around my compost and a beetle from outside. I've read a few bugs every couple of weeks is all she needs.
--- Strobist ---
1 Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/4 at about 4 o'clock used as a fill light
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127|365 Haircut ~ Random
Theme: Random
I went to the hairdresser today and decided to flip through a few of their magazines. The only style I liked was the one this Caucasian guy with a headset was sporting (I emphasize Caucasian because the rest of the models were Korean or Japanese boy-band style girly-men with buffonts!). I knew he looked familiar but it was my hair dresser who informed me it was David Beckham who's hair style I liked.
So I did my best to emulate the picture I saw with the intentions of showing what a good job my hair dresser did rather than insinuating I look anything like David Beckham.
Unfortunately I couldn't find the picture I looked at online, but I did find this one which is a close approximate :) I swear they must have put bronze or something on his face, I just can't seem to nail the colour in Photoshop.
--- Lessons Learned ---
1. It's tough to do David Beckham's squinty eye look for prolonged periods
2. *Pssssst: Clone stamp does wonders for bald patches*
--- Strobist ---
1 Vivitar 285 HV @ full power at about 1 o'clock up high fired into a reflective umbrella. Another Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/2 at about 6 o'clock behind me blowing out the background.
--- Critiques Welcome ---
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126|365 Well... I figured someone had to try ~ Random
Theme: Random
--- Lessons Learned ---
1. Standing in umbrellas is both awkward and hazardous to your umbrella's health.
--- Strobist ---
1 Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/2 - I think the rest is pretty self explanatory :P
--- Critiques Welcome ---
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125|365 Happy Birthday Sam ~ Dedication
Theme: Dedication
Happy Birthday Sam! I made your cookie recipe and then wrote you this note with them. Damn... they spread a lot eh! Wish we could have mowed down on them together.
Your Bro
(My sister's birthday is the day after mine and she's 6 years older... a little weird huh)
She's really creative and artistic, check out her stunning art
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124|365 Manly Stuff ~ Random
Theme: Random
It was my birthday today! The weather couldn't have been more perfect for riding. Greg, Alice and I lounged out on a patio over brunch and then Greg and I hit every inch of Geoje Island coastline, about 240km in total. (our path)
We stopped mid-day, on this tiny little island for a drink. Both of us thought the location was as weird as they come, hence, prime photo opportunity :P
Props to Greg for the pick axe idea!
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123|365 Windy Hill ~ Random
Theme: Random
Greg and Alice came down for a visit during my 5 day weekend! We visited Windy Hill and had a drink out on the rocks. Greg and I drove Alice to sheer insanity discussing bikes and cameras for three days straight :P
--- Strobist ---
On camera flash... it's brutal I know, but I had no choice. I stopped it down one stop if that counts for anything.
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122|365 Scrub ~ Random
Theme: Random
This is the shower are below the fitness centre at my work. It's a little too late in the year now but a month or two ago you would get the nicest diffuse light filtering through the steam.
I was freak'n nervous during this shot, I'm so lucky I didn't have to explain what I was doing... it would have been very awkward :P
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121|365 Hyosung Comet Burn Out ~ Random
Theme: Random
Out Take - It was a hard choice... which do you prefer?
My Michelin Pilot Sport tire cracked pretty badly all along the tread since purchasing it new only 9 months ago. There is no reason it should have gone so soon. I only put 5000k on it and always stored my bike under shelter, nor is it very cold here in the winter. One thing I didn't do was check the manufacture's date when I bought it. It turns out it had been on the shelf about 2 years before I got it.
I had no choice but to buy a new tire before cursing with Greg over my 5 day vacation. This time I went for the Michelin Pilot Power, a stickier tire that cost only a little more.
Unfortunately I only had 20 minutes to do this shot as I was rushing to catch a ferry. Next time I'd find a better location, dress the part, wait till dark, back light the smoke etc. So I will consider this a practice run.
I did a little research on how to do a burn out on google and then gave it a shot. It couldn't have been easier! I had about three goes before my tire was shredded. Choosing to shred it with a kilometre of the bike shop was a wise choice, I wouldn't have wanted to ride to far on it.
--- Lessons Learned ---
1. Burn outs are way easier than expected
--- Critiques Welcome ---
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120|365 Hanging With The Buoys ~ Random
Theme: Random
This is only a fraction of what was strewn along the coast line.
--- Lessons Learned ---
1. Wear gloves other wise the shells lodged in these things will shred you!
-Credit to Greg for the title :)
--- Critiques Welcome ---
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