Tuesday, March 16, 2010

160|365 Blossom Man ~ Blossoms

160|365 Blossom Man ~ Blossoms, originally uploaded by comatosed.

Theme: Blossoms

Blossom Man

Blossom Man remembers. Remembers a time when a man named Dracorubio spawned an idea. Dracorubio said to, "roll in honey and then in the blossoms." But honey was too expensive. So blossom man used corn syrup. Something went wrong, terribly wrong. When the corn syrup and blossoms mixed it caused a chemical reaction which fused the blossoms to Blossom Man's skin. Now, forever an outcast, Blossom Man can no longer return to his desk job. Instead he will fight evil, raining vengeance on flower pickers wherever they may be...

--- Strobist ---
1 Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/2 at about 2 o'clock fired into reflective umbrella. Another Vivitar 285 HV @ 1/2 at about 3 o'clock with DIY grid spot fired towards subject's back.

--- Critiques Welcome ---
- www.comatosed.ca -

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