Thursday, September 20, 2007



Skully may just be one of my most successful classroom implementations ever. This part scary, part rhythmic all fear inducing shaker defines classical psychology. It only took a single class to pare the cue, beads shaking, with a negative stimulus such as reduced game time, loss of Super Student Stars and sometimes both.

When Skully shakes silence blankets the room... at least for a good twenty seconds or so :)

ps. Came across this little guy on the sidewalk today.


Tomato Puree

"Made with Genetically Modified Tomatoes"

Eleven year-old Tommy sits at the back of my class. Generally quiet and well behaved, this is the first time I saw his creative streak.

The assignment was to bring a picture of yourself doing something. Many of the girls brought pictures of themselves performing choreographed dances wearing intergalactic vinyl costumes. Ben cut out 2x2 centimeter picture of two men climbing Mt. Everest. The kids wrote sentences such as, "I dancED in June 2003" or "He climbED Mr. Everest in December 1978" below their photos. The focus here was on the past tense.

Tommy on the other hand, cuts out a picture of Tomato Puree which reads "Made with Genetically Modified Tomatoes". He subtitles the picture with:

It's was very small tomato puree.
It's was very interesting.
Very little tomato is in the puree.
Tommy - made in greg's class

Tommy will be the highlight of my days to come.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Iksan Discovery

My new home in Iksan

My new yard

My new roommate

The local market

The path less traveled
Distance 22 km
Min Alt 3 m
Max Alt 42 m
Max Speed 44.2 kmh

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Sheep Bar


Without any doubt, the "Sheep Bar" is the best ice cream bar in Korea. While it is officially known as the Black Crunch Bar, I find my own name does a much better job at describing the packaging.

Lotte claims, "Now there is a crunch bar for every craving." Unfortunately, this is not the case. I have many cravings this bar can't satisfy, however, when I am craving chocolate-y, Oreo-like CRUNCH, and sweet vanilla ice cream, this bar is second to none.

Do not let the w700 price tag fool or discourage you. For those who question quality at such a meager price, the Sheep Bar is just as good as those stainless steal vats of gelato you ponder over with knickknacks sprawled across them. And for those of you on a budget, come down to Jeon-buk province where the Sheep Bar only costs w350!