Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Sound Clash

So Bryan (my roommate) and I decided to start a thing called Sound Clash. What is a "Sound Clash"? Creative thought pushed, pulled and morphed beyond the limits of comprehension while confronted head on with the harsh realities of rules and time frames.... or, making music according to some predefined parameters.

Check out each track and then leave a comment! Be sure to indicate which track you liked best and, if possible, tell us why... then we can quit our day jobs and get to being superstar dj's :)

SoundClash 1 - Factory Beat Breakdown

Date: May 13th 2006
Time Limit: 1:00
Applications Allowed: Garage Band
Limitations: Factory loops only
Allowed: Slicing of loops, FX

  • 060513-SoundClash1-Tracks Be patient, audio files can take a minute

    Click on the link above, hit play, and continue browsing if you can't sit still.

    ****** I've Made My Decision ******

    SoundClash 2 - Imagine A Lemon

    Date: May 15th 2006
    Time Limit: 1:00
    Applications Allowed: Garage Band
    Limitations: None - Unrestricted use of Garage Band
    Allowed: Slicing of loops, FX
    Mandatory Sample: LemonVisualization

  • 060515-SoundClash2-Tracks Be patient, audio files can take a minute

    Click on the link above, hit play, and continue browsing if you can't sit still.

    ****** I've Made My Decision ******

    If your up for a showdown, if you think you've got the skills, leave a comment requesting a battle.
  • 1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    hey, what are you guys upto? some kinda music battle? sound like fun!

    i like all but ifyou ask my favorite, i would vote for "harpyness" . i like the sound of harmonica and violin(?).
    have fun!
    PS:i watered our garden on MOnday and will do it again Tuesday afternoon, which is 2 hours later from now. but the plants don't look so healty. maybe they are dying!
